Safe Pest Control

How to Get Rid of Carpet Beetles

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Carpet beetles pest control

What are Carpet Beetles?

Remember how terrifying bed bugs are, how they easily infest your beddings and transfer from one person to another?

They are like carpet beetles, easy to transport since they also fly and breed fast, and before you know it they are likely infested your home or workplace.

The tiny insects known as the varied carpet beetles from the family Dermestidaeusually pale brown, yellow, and straw scales in colour, with a rounded body, growing up to 3 millimetres for adult and 5 millimetres for larvae, are considered to be household pests also in some commercial premises like the natural history museum throughout Australia. (Read: How To Get Rid Of Silverfish)

The Australian Carpet Beetle

The Australian carpet beetle, a native member is one of the many different types of carpet beetles that live in urban areas, woodlands, and forests.

With good environmental conditions, the life cycle of the Australian carpet beetle can reach 1-3 years, while the varied carpet beetle can have one generation each year and other species can even have four generations.

The beetles usually lay eggs in the closets, under skirting boards, or under furniture and air ducts and tree holes as their nest. They can breed very fast and the next time you notice them, they already infested your wardrobe or office building.  (Related: How To Get Rid Of Cloth Moths)

Smart Kill Technology
Season Long COVER
Rapid knock down spray
UV resistant Spray
weather resistant spray
Non repellent spray

Damages To Properties

All year round, carpet beetles can infest your carpet, curtains, furniture, clothing, blankets, cupboards, and some furs where they feed on. The Houses, building offices, hotels, and museums of natural history in Sydney are greatly affected by the damages caused by the larvae. Since these pests are small in size and they have the ability to fly, they can easily enter any residential or commercial premises through windows, doors, or small openings and hide quickly inside the closets or furniture drawers. (Read: Safe Pest Control)

Health Concerns

Aside from those damages to your properties, exposure to carpet beetles can now cause the development of medical conditions specifically dermatological conditions in humans.

Pruritus, Dermatitis, Papular urticaria are some of these conditions. Symptoms of an allergic reaction include the following, itchy, watery eyes, rashes, and itchy skin, with burning sensation and gastrointestinal concerns if severe.

And one of the best ways to treat carpet beetles is to prevent them to live on your premises or control them through some effective practices.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
100% Australian owned pest control company
Pest Spray
Bifles Pest Spray

How To Get Rid Of Carpet Beetles

1. Thoroughly vacuum your carpet, floors, and upholstered furniture

The carpets and floors in your home or offices should be cleaned thoroughly using a vacuum cleaner, this is to remove the eggs or larvae which possibly enter through your doors or windows. Furniture and curtains with natural and synthetic fibers that are available in your home or office should be vacuumed as well. By doing this regularly, you are assured that no single beetle can stay or live inside your home and workplace.

2. Steam-cleaned the carpets and rugs or clothes 

After using the vacuum cleaner, the next step is steam-cleaning. This is to remove the remaining eggs or larvae in the areas through the moisture and heat of the steam cleaner. (Related: How To Get Rid Of Waps)

3. Washing clothes and bedding, and blankets using hot and soapy water 

Simply using hot and soapy water in washing clothes, bedding and blankets will prevent the carpet beetles from breathing and eventually die; also the levels of diseases they might cause may be controlled.

4. Wipe and spray surfaces of the furniture with vinegar

Vinegar is also best to repel carpet beetles, just use it in wiping or spraying surfaces of furniture and floors whenever necessary.

5. Use Boric acid to deter carpet beetles

Boric acid or borax is one effective element to deter carpet beetle, this powder is safe and for best results, you may need to sprinkle it on the areas affected particularly the carpets.

6. Focus on the sources/ nests and the most infested areas

Determining the source/s of the infestation is very important in getting rid of carpet beetles in your surroundings; give your full attention to the most infested areas for a faster and more effective way of eradication. (Read: How To Get Rid Of Bird Mites)

7. Remove dead birds, rodents, or other insects 

Larvae usually feed on organic matter, that’s why carpet beetles also cause damage in the natural history museum. Remove those dead animals or remains of organisms and waste materials.

8. Use pheromone-based glue traps for serious infestations

If carpet beetle infestation is already serious, you may use some pheromone-based glue traps, to catch those pests immediately.

You may place the traps in all entry points like windows, doors, and other openings. You may check the traps twice a week to see if enough carpet beetles are caught and if the infestation can be controlled.

9. Choose synthetic materials for carpets or curtains

Since carpet beetles live and feed on organic materials, it is the best option to use synthetic materials for your carpets and curtains. An infestation will not likely occur by then.

10. Call up the pest control expert in Sydney


Get professional help from the pest control expert

To stop the pest infestation and eradicate carpet beetles without a fuss, get professional help from the pest control expert!

Safe Pest Control Pty Ltd. is your pest control expert who can provide you pest control solutions to your carpet beetle infestation problem whether on residential, commercial, or industrial premises. They also offer every client their fast response to any queries, safe and effective pest control treatment, and value for money. ( Related: How To Get Rid Of Carpet Beetles)

Our Track Record

With a track record of satisfied customers and a 5-star rating from Google Reviews, you are in good hands with SafePestControl.

For carpet beetles’ treatment, SafePestControl Technicians will carry out a detailed inspection using the latest technology to search for the areas which need to be treated and detect the extent of the infestation.

Then conduct spraying using eco-friendly products to the lower outer walls first, garden, going to an interior area, then dusting of roof void wall cavities and subfloor.

Maintaining good housekeeping practices and a reliable pest control provider will make your home and workplace pest-free at all times.

Almost 20 years of experience and expertise

SafePestControl is a trusted pest control company with almost 2 decades of experience and expertise in dealing with pest problems throughout Sydney, whether in the Northern Beaches area, Eastern or South Sydney, or in the business areas like Smithfield or Chipping Norton. 

SafePestControl is a local business with a local team of experts.

Technicians here understand pests in Sydney and are knowledgeable on how to manage them properly through careful assessment of your situation and recommend the best solutions to your terrifying pest problem.

Long-Standing Member of AEPMA

SafePestControl is also a long-standing member of the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association (AEPMA) which assures you of safe and effective pest control to be implemented.

Call us now!

Getting rid of Carpet beetles is easy if you contact one of the most reliable pest control companies in Sydney, SafePestControl! Just Call 1300 119 085 now for immediate booking!