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10 Steps To Rats Proof Your Home

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Rat Pest Control Sydney

Store pet food in containers with lids.

Mice and rats are a big problem in Sydney. There are many ways to keep them out of your home, but it can be difficult to know which methods work best for you. This blog post will share 10 steps that will help you get rid of these pests and prevent future infestations from happening! If you live in Sydney, Australia, and have a problem with mice or rats, then this blog post is for you. Store pet food in containers with lids so that rats can’t get into it. This will keep them away from your home and out of your dog’s dish!

Seal all cracks and gaps around pipes, wires, vents and other openings with steel wool or heavy duty caulk.

Your home may not be as rat-proof as you think. The number one way to keep rats out of your house is by sealing all cracks and gaps around pipes, wires, vents and other openings with steel wool or a heavy wire mesh. This will help prevent them from getting into the house in the first place.

For those who are already dealing with an infestation, there are many traps on the market that can be used to catch mice or rats so they can easily be released back outside where they belong.  Plus, make sure to seal up any areas that might have been missed during initial inspection – it’s much easier than having to clean up after a pesky rat has made your life miserable! (Read: Rodent Activity in Sydney)

Keep trash cans covered at all times.

Rat and mice infestations are a common problem in Sydney, Australia. These pests enter homes through small cracks and gaps around pipes, wires, vents and other openings. In order to help prevent rat infestation, seal all cracks and gaps with steel wool or foam insulation. ( Related: Safe Pest Control)

Trim back tree branches so they don't touch the roof of your house.

Do you have a problem with mice and rats? If so, trim back tree branches so they don’t touch the roof of your house. Rats will often take shelter in these areas. (Read: Reasons Why You Should Get Rid of Rats Quickly)

Install a one way door on the outside of your home to allow rats to leave but not come back in.

Maybe it’s time to install a one way door on the outside of your home. This will allow rats to leave but not return, solving the problem and preventing future rat infestations. If you are interested in getting a one way door installed on the outside of your home, please contact us for more information! (Related: 10 Steps To Rats Proof Your Home)

Put up a fence around the perimeter of your house and yard.

Rat infestations happen when there is an abundance of food sources. If the rats are not able to get into your house, they will die outside and their population will decrease naturally. One way to keep them out is by putting up a fence around the perimeter of your yard and house.

Place traps where rats are most active (near garbage cans).

Rats and mice are pests that can make your life miserable. It’s hard to keep them out of the house, but you can take some steps to prevent them from getting in. Place traps where rats are most active (near garbage cans) and get a cat or two for additional pest control. The more time you spend on prevention, the less time you’ll need to spend on removal! (Related: Rodent Control Services)

Get rid of any food sources that attract rats like pet food dishes left outside for too long, bird feeders, and compost piles.

Do you have a problem with Rats? it’s likely due to food sources in the home. Rats are drawn by pet food dishes left out and other tasty tidbits like garbage, fruit scraps, and dirty dishes.  It may be hard to believe that something as small as an unsecured trash bag can attract rats but they’re all too eager for a meal of your pizza crusts!

Use a snap trap or an electric mouse trap to catch rats, not poison.

Rat and mouse traps are a great way to get rid of rats without the use of poisons. Outdoors, snap traps are great for catching rats or mice that come up from sewers. Inside your home, rat traps such as the Rat Zapper offer an easy solution to rat infestation. The best part is these types of traps don’t leave behind any poison residue which may harm pets or children in your household.

It can be tough to catch a rat using traditional methods like glue boards because they’re so small but there’s no hiding place for them with a trap! They’ll go right into it and you’ll have caught them before they do any damage inside your house. (Related: Commercial Mice Control in Sydney)

Keep your kitchen clean and free of crumbs.

There are many things that can be done to keep rats out of the kitchen but one simple solution is to make sure there are no crumbs on the floor or counters. Clean up any spills or messes as soon as they happen and put away anything that will leave food crumbs behind. Once your kitchen has been cleaned thoroughly (including inside cabinets), store all food in containers that can’t be chewed through easily like glass jars or metal tins.  If you follow these steps, it should keep pests from entering your home even if they do find a way past other methods of prevention such as traps.

To protect your home and furniture from rats and mice, we recommend following these 10 steps. We are available to answer any questions you may have about protecting your property or preventing rat infestations in the future. If you need help with a pest control issue right now, call us at 1300 119 085 for an inspection and treatment today!