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Top 5 Residential Pest's in Sydney

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Common domistic pests in sydney


Identify: Fleas are miniscule, and you probably won’t notice them until it’s too late. Their agility, mobility, and dark, hard-shelled bodies make them a formidable pest.

Where do they live: Fleas thrive on warm-blooded animals and in the domestic environment are prone to attach themselves to pets such as dogs and cats which is why they’re so prevalent in family households.

Lifecycle: Fleas enjoy hot, humid climates which means they love Australian summer. Their maturity cycle can be anywhere between 7-21 days depending on the conditions. (Related: Non-toxic pest control)

Bed Bugs

Danger: Similar to bed bugs, they are extremely difficult to notice and even more difficult to identify the source. They are also carriers which means they can communicate with other parasites like tapeworms when they bite you or your household pet

Control: Flea control usually requires a multi-focal approach. A combination of IGR (insect growth regulator), pet flea treatment, and fumigation if necessary by a professional pest controller is the best way to combat and control this pest. (Read: Organic Pest Control)


Identify: There are over 1,200 species of ant in Australia, but thankfully only a small percentage of these species in Australia will invade your home. Size varies dramatically among ants, with color varieties from red to white to black, but all ant species have distinct multi-segmented bodies.

Where do they live: Similar to cockroaches, ants love warm, humid, secluded spaces where they can thrive undisturbed.

Lifecycle: Once a colony is established, the Queen ant can begin laying eggs on a continual basis. Depending on the species and the environmental conditions, it can take anywhere from a week to 2-3 months for the egg to go through the pupa and larvae stage to become a fully grown adult and that can live up to several years. (Related: Why Safe Pest Control)

Danger: Some ant species thrive in wall cavities or under floorboards due to the heat created by electrical wiring and circuits and can chew through building materials such as damp wood or even concrete. If left unchecked and the problem gets out of control, this can cause huge problems for homes and businesses.

Control: Prevention can begin with maintaining a clean environment and removing all food, waste, and rubbish. However, to completely remove an ant infestation, the source of the colony must be identified and destroyed by a professional. (Read: Common pests in sydney nsw)


Identify Whilst there are over 300 species, they generally fall into three castes: King & Queen, Workers and Soldiers. The “workers” have a pale, opaque, silvery body, whilst the “soldiers” have darker orange/brown colored bodies.

Where do they live: Wood, all types of wood. A conservative estimate shows one in five homes in Australia will be invaded by Termites at some point. If there is wood in your home, there is a 20-30% chance that termites are going to turn up.

Lifecycle: Like ants, they have a unique caste and reproduction system, but are able to breed in vast numbers in a very short space of time. During the Australian summer months of December, January and February established termite colonies can produce over 2,000-3,000 new eggs every day.

Danger: Termites are without a doubt the most destructive pests in Australia. Last year alone they caused over 100 million dollars in damage to homes, businesses,  and infrastructure in Sydney, and with most insurance policies not covering for damage caused by termites, they can be a real headache for homeowners.

Control: There are DIY, non-chemical, and chemical solutions if the infestation is small, however, structural fumigation with the use of an enclosed tent handed by professional pest control specialists is the most effective method to completely get rid of termites. (Related: Child Friendly Pest Control)


Identify: Cockroaches have long, hard-shelled bodies with a shiny appearance. German Cockroaches are the smallest of the species common to Australia and are up to 1.3-1.5cm long, whereas the American Cockroach can grow up to 4-5cm long. All species have two antennae and six, multi-jointed legs with sensory hairs.

Where do they live: Whilst not all cockroaches are scared of the light, most cockroach species are nocturnal and emerge at night to hunt for food, as well as reproduce. Any place that is dark and secluded with a protective cover is the ideal place for cockroaches to thrive. (Read: Things to prevent pests)

Lifecycle: Cockroaches love warm, humid climates, whilst 25°C is the minimum temperature for breeding, anything above 32-33°C allows them to reproduce at an alarming rate. Depending on the variety of species, cockroaches lay between 15-40 eggs per casing, which can take up to 12 months to hatch depending on the conditions.

Danger: Cockroaches are perhaps the least tolerated of all insect species, especially amongst the more squeamish, however, this is with good reason. Cockroaches have been found to be carriers of many diseases to both humans and pets, and recent studies have also linked an increase in asthma and allergies to cockroaches.

Control: Cockroaches are extremely fast, but luckily the species common to Sydney and Australia do not usually fly except for the American cockroach, but this is only for short distances. A professional pest controller has at his disposal a variety of baits, powders, pellets, and sprays that will get rid of them but will consider the home environment first and whether there are pets or children in the vicinity before choosing. Sometimes it is necessary to have ongoing treatment and annual inspections to ensure they do not return. (Related: Top 5 Pests in Sydney NSW)


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Bed bugs

Identify: Bed bugs are some of the most difficult pests to detect. Their minuscule bodies and nocturnal activity make them very hard to identify. One of the few signs you can look for is orangey red spots on bed covers and mattresses, as well as shell casing around the bed and surrounding area.

Where do they live: Their main source of food is the blood from humans, therefore they thrive in bedrooms and dwellings of active households. Bed bugs often go unnoticed as itches and bites can be attributed to other insects or from other activities during the day, however, if you notice bites and welts to your skin and this goes on continuously for a period of time without apparent explanation, then it is very likely that bed bugs have found their way into your home.

Lifecycle: Bed bugs are a curious species and can even live for 1 year or more without a source of food. The females of the species can lay up to 3-5 eggs per day, which hatch in under 2 weeks in the right conditions.

Danger: If a home or bedroom has been infested, a thorough inspection is essential as treatment and eradication can be extremely difficult and may require multiple visits from a professional pest controller to ensure the bed bugs have been permanently removed.

Control: Thorough vacuuming and cleaning of the infected area is essential, as well as the removal of mattresses and bedding that has been infected. To guarantee the riddance of these pests completely, chemical solutions and insecticides administered by a professional are the only sure way to be rid of bed bugs. (Read: What You Need to Know AboutPest Control)

Commercial Pest Control in Australia

Due to Australia’s hot, humid climate, and the dense population of its major cities like Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth, a large variety of pests have the perfect environment in which to thrive. Thankfully, whilst these species have evolved and adapted to invade these urban metropolises, Pest Control experts have evolved and adopted too in order to be able to keep this situation under control. By using decades of experience, the latest technology, and state-of-the-art chemical and non-chemical solutions, an expert Pest controller can keep any kind of situation under control.

There are three main forms of treatment:

Larvicide – Larvicide is used on insects that are yet to hatch and still in the pupa and larvae stage.

Insecticide – Insecticide is used to kill insects that have hatched or reached adulthood already. Administration of insecticide comes in two forms; airborne and oral.

Natural or Biological. Natural or Biological control uses a common enemy of the identified pest that relies on predation or parasitism that will naturally hunt and kill the pest in an environmentally friendly way but is supervised by pest control specialists. (Related: How Find the Right Pest Control Company)

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Pest Spray
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