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How to Identify Mistaken Kinds of Bed Bugs in Your Home?

Bedbugs are small, reddish-brown insects that can cause significant problems if you do not handle them quickly. These nocturnal unwanted creatures eat blood, and they can leave behind itchy rashes. It is imperative to recognise them early to halt the growth of the infestation and protect your home. Whether you’re looking for expert Residential Pest Control Sydney services or dealing with the issue by yourself, identifying the telltale signs is the first step.

bedbugs pest control

What Are Bedbugs?

Bedbugs are well-shaped, small, and oval-like as well as coloured brownish-reddish called insects. Adult bedbugs are like apple seeds in size, and their nymphs are even smaller and paler. Of these bugs, only the nymphs are of a lighter colour, while the adults are red or brown. Bedbugs stay in the dark of cracks and crevices. They are difficult to perceive till the infestation gets bigger, so detection is not usually easy.

Common Signs of a Bedbug Infestation

Here are the most noticeable indicators that bedbugs may have made their way into your home:

1. Bite Marks

Bedbug bites typically occur in groups or straight lines on your skin that are not covered. These bites are usually itchy, red, and slightly swollen. If you notice such marks after sleeping, it could be a sign of bedbugs.

2. Bloodstains on Bedding

Bedbugs will also be crushed when you sleep and you can find some blood spots on your sheets or pillowcases. These dark spots are usually rusty or reddish in colour.

3. Fecal Spots

Black or dark fecal spots are usually found around bedbug’s hiding places. The places of your mattress, headboards, and wall cracks should be searched for these indications like them.

4. Musty Odor

The presence of a bad infestation can make your room smell musty or mouldy because of the bedbugs’ odour-generating glands.

5. Shed Skins and Eggs

Bedbugs get bigger as they grow and every time, they have to leave the shell they had prior to growing. Also, you can run across these reddish-brown or rust-coloured stains while scouring through their most comfortable and unfamiliar areas.

Where Do Bedbugs Hide?

Bedbugs are experts at staying hidden. Common hiding places include:

  • Mattress seams and box springs
  • Headboards and bed frames
  • Behind wall hangings and electrical outlets
  • Inside furniture joints
  • Cracks in walls and floors

Mistaken Kinds of Bed Bugs

Sometimes, bedbugs are mistaken for other pests by people. Bedbugs may bear some resemblance to fleas, carpet beetles, and cockroach nymphs, but they have several unique features. For example, fleas have the ability to jump, yet bedbugs do not. Carpet beetles are those who feed on fabrics, not blood. If you’re uncertain about the type of pest, you can consult our Pest Control Sydney professional to be able to identify the pest, and then take the necessary steps.

Why Act Quickly?

Ignoring the fact that there are bedbugs in the house may lead to them multiplying rapidly. Bedbugs quickly multiply, and their bites may cause pain, allergic reactions, or even psychological problems. The house can be free of bedbugs only if you get earlier detection of bedbug infestation and early intervention.

Tips to Prevent and Control Bedbugs

Here are some practical measures to protect your home:

  • Inspect Secondhand Items: You have to look carefully at furniture and clothes, and also the mattresses before you bring them into your house.
  • Regular Cleaning: The continuous vacuuming of your house and the bedding in hot water should be done to get rid of bedbugs and their eggs.
  • Seal Cracks: Seals are cracked in the walls and furniture to eliminate hiding places.
  • Declutter: Get rid of the clutter in your home to avoid bedbug hiding spots.

When to Call Professionals

While some bug problems can be handled by the household owner alone, a bigger bedbug infestation may need outside help. Even a professional insect exterminator with the most innovative gadgets and methods is not a guarantee. The company has bragging rights of being the best and most efficient and offers the most thorough solutions and finest treatments to keep your home safe.


Early detection of bedbugs is imperative to preventing a fully-grown population. By staying mindful of the indications and knowing their typical hiding places, you can remove them promptly to preserve your home’s safety. Having understood the severity of the problem, you cannot afford to wait and need to prompt the professionals in Pest Control Sydney to come in and help you.

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